One Lone Bird

Tuesday, January 31, 2012  at 8:04 PM
The Lone Bird
Its been some time since I last blogged. I am under the assumption that is due to the lack of inspiration. Curious isn't it? I began this blog to inspire find serenity in the smallest of things each day, yet I haven't felt inspired enough to even find the smallest things each day inspirational? Ah...I sense a presence of something more here...a common enemy the "joy zapper".. as I fondly name him. 

I was actually out again today running the roads, and I noticed a lone bird flying high in the sky. The skies had been threatening rain all day, but it still had not, at this point. You may wonder why one bird would even begin to get my attention, but it was not what it was doing, but what it was NOT doing.

Ten Random Acts of Kindness

Wednesday, January 25, 2012  at 10:17 PM
Thoughts of kindness came upon me this last week. Random acts of kindness. You know those little things that get you through the day? We all do them, even the harshest of personalities will do a kind thing some times. I have met some real distasteful persons in my life, but even they can do kind things at times. There was a time when I went through a toll booth from the Illinois border into the Indiana border. The toll was sixty cents and out of the blue my daughter Lindsay says, "Mom pay for the car behind us!" I ask why and she says she thought it would just be kind. The person behind us didn't know us, but as we pulled away, I could see the toll booth person pointing at our car and you know felt pretty good!

Relationships are Complicated

Saturday, January 21, 2012  at 9:58 PM

So I was thinking again the other day about relationships. I mean I am not forcing you to read my blog, and my insight may or may not be right, but to be able to freely type my thoughts and share them is pretty amazing!
Relationships are complicated in general  ..right? I dated my husband for two and half years before marriage, and it was...well...complicated at times.

Two Days... Till Friday

Thursday, January 19, 2012  at 11:10 PM
This week has been some what of a usual week with some unusual happenings. Funny things I would say. Maybe you will agree after I tell you of my last two days of pure the way the definition of insanity, is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different conclusion. Hmmm? Questionable to say the least....I would definitely say that my last two days would very much be the definition of insanity.

Got Purpose?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012  at 11:50 PM
I was reflecting today on an incident that happened back this last summer. I would venture to say it would have been called the "brink of death" for me. I was eating some venison steak one evening, as it seems to me that I have been on a low carb diet called the Primal Blue Print for six to seven months. Venison is a very dense steak and tends to be a bit drier. For anyone that does not know what venison is, it is deer meat. I absolutely love venison...especially a doe. This particular evening, my husband and I was enjoying a venison steak, when I took a bite a bit too big.

Cannibals Chicken Noodle Soup is Pure Bliss

Sunday, January 15, 2012  at 10:53 PM
Looking back over my week...I chuckle a bit at my youngest boy, Tad who hands down can, on a good day, beat any national comedian with the things that he says.On Tuesday I have school for my boys and my nephew. I teach spelling, english, reading and geography. This Tuesday I told the boys that I was going to only have grilled cheese sandwiches and soup for lunch. I heard the grumblings from three very disappointed little boys. Seth asks, "Mom, what kind of soup are we having?" I simply state," Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup." Tad looks at his brother and says "See Seth it is Cannibals chicken noodle soup!" So I guess that day we were going to be brutish, beast-like,anthropophagite, bush dwelling soup and sandwich eaters....he just didn't know it!

My Old Friend...Inner Turmoil

Saturday, January 14, 2012  at 10:34 AM
This story is referring back to an incident that happened last week to me. I have these beautiful American Indian choker necklaces that my husband bought for me, that I absolutely love. I have is black with the white bone..the other is brown wood-like beads with black. I chose to wear the black with brown and I went to town, into Walmart..thinking nothing of my amazing necklace...but someone else did. I noticed some folks were looking at my neck. Now please don't think me vain, but I am sure any woman reading this blog will agree (if she is honest with herself)  that she has been there...she has felt this at some point. We all have....

Uh, Oh..Cars go Boom, Boom!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012  at 10:04 PM
Have you ever been in a vehicle when it hits another vehicle? You know that awful crunching sound from inside the car that screeches and screams, breaking and tearing away at plastic and glass. Yeah..that sound. One memory I have of that sound is when I was living in Jacksonville Florida. I was in a parking lot with a little two year old boy in the back seat that I was watching, saying over and over,as another car was whirling towards us....uh oh cars go boom, boom! Yes its an unforgettable sound. And went boom..boom! Once you have heard it and the fear that it creates in your body, you never forget it. Yes...that is exactly how my day began today.

This is a Hold Up..Hand Over the Backpack!

Monday, January 9, 2012  at 10:54 PM
Do you relate to the picture? I mean as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, grandchild , and as a woman do we ever feel that way? When I seen this picture today, it truly said how I was feeling today. Why do we  take on the "weight of the world" anyways? Is it expected by others, or are we our own worst enemies?

The Art of Wearing a Hospital Gown

Saturday, January 7, 2012  at 10:13 PM
The very art of wearing a hospital gown is overwhelming for some of us out there...right? I mean the hospital gown has its own cartoons, because they cause so much emotional distress. My daughter had her gallbladder surgery yesterday and as soon as the nurse set the folded hospital gown on the bed, I seen her eyes grow larger, pupils dilate, hands and feet began to sweat and her mouth began to get dry.

Lessons from Mammoth Cave

Thursday, January 5, 2012  at 9:03 PM
You know its funny, I was out running the other day thinking of a new blog post, when I remembered our trip to Kentucky to the Mammoth Cave. You wonder why I would be thinking about a big dark cave..right? There is this one particular moment at the beginning of our tour, that most sticks out in my mind.

Reverse Thinking

Monday, January 2, 2012  at 10:47 PM
So this weekend we had our friends Craig , Kristy and their son Keith came down from Northern Indiana. They came on Friday evening and left this morning. My emotions got away from me again, and as they pulled away I cried. I cried for myself, I cried for my friendships so far away, I cried for that intimacy of having dear friends that love you unconditionally. Friends do bring serenity and peace in the lives of those that will allow those friends to bless you.

It's All in Your Perspective

Sunday, January 1, 2012  at 12:14 AM

Here I sit one hour from the new Year of 2012. What am I to expect this year? Only God knows. But I can tell you that I want to be in the center of His will. My friend made a wonderful statement today, when you are in the center of Gods will its the safest place to be. Pretty impressionable statement I thought. So why does things feel completely chaotic and out of control when you were pretty sure at the start of the day you were in Gods will for that day? It began by me taking this past Thursday off from work to take my daughter, son and another teenager in my church up to Springfield Illinois for a teen conference.