So I was thinking again the other day about relationships. I mean I am not forcing you to read my blog, and my insight may or may not be right, but to be able to freely type my thoughts and share them is pretty amazing!
Relationships are complicated in general ..right? I dated my husband for two and half years before marriage, and it was...well...complicated at times.
I was thinking about a relationship with God. How do we cultivate a relationship with God? Good question..reasonable I do believe. So I was comparing that right relationship that we need to have with God, with our relationships with a spouse. I mean if you do a quick search it will reveal more than 500 old and new testament references to the words marriage, married, husband and wife. So marriages being that they are relationships are pretty important to God..right? Lets looks at this further.
So here is a small list of irritable qualities in my hubby and myself:
Husband- leaves cap off of toothpaste
Me- squeezes toothpaste from the bottom
Husband: Leaves his size 10 boats (I meant shoes) lying around for all to trip on.
Me- I buy too many shoes at thrift stores making our closet full of shoes.
Husband: Likes to hoard some
Me- I like to throw everything away even if we might need it later
Husband-Doesn't worry about money
Me-I worry too much
Husband- Doesn't balance checkbook all
Me- I have to have every penny accounted for
Husband-Doesn't particularly like to exercise
Me-I am too obsessed with it
Husband-Anal about being on time
Me-Pretty much late for everything
Now do you see the differences? How are we suppose to have a GOOD RELATIONSHIP with so many differences? Because after almost twenty years, we learn and are still learning to accept those differences and that in turn makes our relationship grow stronger. This I believe is to be God's perspective toward us as well. He accepts our imperfections and loves us dearly.. after all we are made in His image.
For instance when Andy and I first got married I couldn't cook well at all. My first pot of spaghetti could have fed the entire local soup kitchen and still had some to spare for Lady and the Tramp! My first biscuits were so hard, the local hockey team could have used it for there winning puck. I mean really I couldn't cook! Lets say though that I told Andy (my hubby) I am sorry...I can't marry you until I read all the Betty Crocker Cook books and all the Paula Dean recipes, cooked and tried them, and served them to perfection. I mean really I just can't marry you until I have that part down. Oh I need to read all the manuals on having children and have that down pat too before we can begin a life together..I just have to read all the books understand right? Ummm no...I dont' think that would have gone over very well with you agree? It didn't go that way at all....we loved each other, I had faith in that love, we set a date and we got married. I learned as I went and I am still learning everyday how to be the wife, friend, lover and mother I need to be.
So why can't we understand that a relationship with Jesus isn't about what we can do for Him, but about accepting Him in faith, just I did Andy, truly love Him for what He did for us on the cross and then begin a relationship with Him. So you do I start a relationship with Him?...I don't want to change...Christianity will make me boring, I am having too much fun right now. Well before I got married, obviously I was single... I had fun being "single", but again I loved Andy. I didn't want to change when I married Andy, but in time,with age and being comfortable with Andy, I have changed. It wasn't a forced change and certainly wasn't overnight, but in the last twenty years...I have changed. I am not a boring my other blogs, and you will see that I am quite the "nut" at times (or most of the time if you ask Andy!) I would agree, that I have evolved over the years to someone different in my relationship with my husband. So you see, I love my God too..over the years my "relationship" with Him has evolved, too. I didn't know what to do at first, just like my marriage to Andy. But I realize that Andy didn't want me to be perfect, He doesn't expect perfection even now, twenty years later. Neither does God...its a work in progress. Sometimes my faults will irritate my husband, and vice versa, but sometimes my faults also upset my Lord too. But He forgives just like Andy does and we move forward. Religion is not a relationship with God, but what can you do for God. Its about working for something that is a gift to begin with. Am I religious? Some would say, yes Tracy is a very religious person. I like to say that I have a relationship with God, because my relationship began with what He did for me. Am I married? Yes I am married by the law, but I have a working relationship with Andy as he does with me. See the difference?

If you want to learn 31 ways to destroy your marriage, read this list of things that will point you to that way.
Also looking at marriage relationships and comparing that to a relationship with God, what are some ways we can feel "separated" from God. Maybe you knew Him intimately at one time...its not too late to renew your vows to God and set your relationship sign out..."a work in progress."
John 14:21
Amplified Bible (AMP)
21The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.]
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My Amazing Husband! |
Not too shabby considering I didn't know a thing about marriage or raising a family! My daughter is taking the picture :) Our relationship is still a work in progress! |
This serene image is a picture from near our home. Serenity can be found in relationships if we only look at the bigger picture :) |
This was just what I needed to hear tonight. And I love how you can put such complex ideas into words. You're amazing!