The Gift of Christmas

Sunday, December 25, 2011  at 10:13 PM
Christmas is a gift, wrapped in thoughts of a holy infant come to us in humble, meager circumstances to save the world. I can not deny that the thought of a baby being born in a stable sounds pretty disgusting. We do see a lot of scenes like the one above, but anyone who has ever been close to a barn, knows the stench from such a place. The cozy, warm amber aura that is in the above picture is pretty much unrealistic. But I ponder tonight on a Saviors birth, so meager at the beginning, yet He is the One, the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end.
My pastor stated this today in church, God confounds the wise with the simple. God has been doing that for centuries. I over think everything, always have, probably always will. But one thing I am learning is to do the best you can and let the worries go. I am sure that as Mary was riding the donkey and knew she was going into labor, she wasn't over thinking their situation. She needed to get off the donkey and get somewhere halfway warm to have a baby and she needed to do that pretty quick. She wasn't riding along telling Joseph all here concerns of having a baby in such unsuitable circumstances and surroundings. I know..I have 4 kids and with the third baby, I just wanted to lay down somewhere, so I could have the baby. I thought I was going to have him in the car...and guess what..that would have been fine at the given moment!

I know He loves me...again I saw an owl fly right in front of the ATV I was riding. He was a nice big beautiful barn owl and I nearly screamed at my mom and sister..OWL!! My mom was even excited when she saw it. She knows what they  mean to makes me aware of His great love for me. Christmas is nice for making us aware of His great love for all mankind, if only we accept and believe. So tonight my friends and bloggers, I say Merry CHRISTmas to all!

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